Instagram Account : Deactivate or Delete(Step-by-Step Guide)

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Instagram Account : Deactivate or Delete(Step-by-Step Guide)

Thinking about deleting your account? Whether you’re looking for a break from social media or want to delete your profile permanently, this companion will walk you through both temporary and permanent options.

Deactivating vs. Deleting: What’s the Difference?

Before jumping in, it’s good to know your options:

  • Deactivating Your Account: Temporarily hides your profile, photos, comments, and likes until you log back in. Your content stays saved, so you can return whenever you like.
  • Deleting Your Account: Permanently removes everything – your profile, photos, videos, and all other content. Once it’s deleted, you can’t get it back.

Decide if You Want a Temporary Break or Permanent Deletion

If you’re unsure, killing might be a good launch. You can always delete your account later if you still feel the same way.

How to Deactivate Your Account (Temporary)

Log into Instagram on a Web Browser

Instagram’s temporary deactivation option is only available through a web browser, so open on your computer or mobile browser. Log in with your username and password. Note: You won’t be able to deactivate your account using the Instagram mobile app.

Access Your Profile

Once logged in, navigate to your profile by clicking on your profile picture at the top-right corner of the page. This will open a dropdown menu. From there, select “Profile” to go to your main profile page.

Go to “Edit Profile”

On your profile page, locate the “Edit Profile” button near your username. Click on this button to open your account settings and edit options.

Scroll Down to “Temporarily Disable My Account”

In the Edit Profile menu, scroll down to the very bottom of the page. You’ll see an option that says “Temporarily disable my account” in small text. Click on this link to proceed with deactivation.

Select a Reason for Deactivation and Enter Your Password

Instagram will prompt you to select a reason for deactivating your account. Choose a reason from the dropdown menu that best matches your situation. Then, re-enter your password to confirm your identity and authorize the deactivation.

Confirm Deactivation

After you’ve selected a reason and entered your password, click the “Temporarily Disable Account” button. This action will immediately deactivate your account, hiding your profile and content until you decide to reactivate it by logging back in.

Reactivating Your Account

To restore your account, simply log back into Instagram using the same username and password. Your profile, photos, and comments will be reinstated automatically.

Temporarily disabling your account is a helpful option when you need a social media break without losing your content or connections. Just follow these steps, and you’ll be able to take a break without permanently deleting your Instagram account.

How to Permanently Delete Your Account

If you’re sure about deleting your account, here’s the step-by-step:

  1. Visit the Instagram Account Deletion Page: Go to Instagram’s Account Deletion page on a web browser (you won’t be able to do this in the app).
  2. Log In: If you’re not already logged in, Instagram will ask you to log in.
  3. Choose a Reason for Deletion: Instagram will ask why you’re leaving. Pick a reason from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter Your Password: After selecting a reason, enter your password one last time.
  5. Click “Delete [Your Username]”: Once you’re ready, click the Delete button to permanently remove your account.

What Happens After You Delete?

  • Instagram provides a 30-day grace period, meaning your account is marked for deletion but not fully erased until after 30 days. If you change your mind, just log back in, and Instagram will restore your account.
  • After 30 days, your account and all data are permanently deleted.

Final Tips

If you’re deleting for privacy reasons but still want to keep your photos, consider downloading your data before deleting:

  • Go to Settings > Security > Download Data.
  • Enter your email address, and Instagram will send you a file with your photos, videos, and other content within 48 hours.

Wrapping Up

Whether you’re taking a break or saying goodbye for good, Instagram makes it easy to either deactivate or delete your account. Take the time to consider your options, and if you have any questions or run into trouble, feel free to drop a comment below! If you want to join again then install the app and Follow our website.

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